Monday 8th November, the day of our Music video shoots. We started off on campus in the studio, starting with our performance element. We had three man band Charlie, Oscar and Freddie who listened and cooperated very well with what we chucked at them. At 9 we started setting up the camera and putting the band in place to get them rehearsing. As we were setting up the camera and making sure everything was ready to start shooting, but as we were just about to start band practice, Freddie our basest of the band had to be taken out to do a November assessment which he wouldn’t be done until 10 which meant pushing back our performance shoot till then. Which didn’t really matter as it meant we got the chance to properly rehearse the other two members.

At 10 we got started straight away with a wide shot of the whole band, Due to our set and the way our lighting is set up we decided it would look more effective with the bigger camera that was slightly more technical but after getting the hang of it we felt that it would give us a great outcome.
So far we were getting all the shots that we wanted and decided for our final few shots on performace that we
would use tracking to pan round the band to capture different angles and try something different to try and get more interseting shoots to add to what we had produced all from the morning shoot. We layed out the track and had the chance to sit on a chair and cotrol what we wanted the camera to do by follwoing the bands movement.
After we were happy we got all the shots we wanted of the band we did a last check that we got all the shoots we wanted, by going through the list of shots we wrote down. We finally finshed shoot the perfomace at 12.30. We were ready to set off for our location set in guildford and shoot the narritive.