When looking at our opening credit we decided that it needed to fade in when the scene first opens and then after she dives in fade the title out before she breaks to the surface. We used a simple text so that you are not drawn away from what is about to happen, we also made different fount sizes between the text to show what was most important to notice.
we used a medium shot to keep up with her as she swam along, making sure we got a shot as she was turning her head to breath to create an impact on the audience. The breathing gave us another sound element to play with so that you could feel a build up with the sound track behind and the pace of her swimming, like there is a panic going on.
We used underwater shots to get a different look at the situation it also gave us a challenge to work with an underwater camera as well as a normal camera. The camera captured some good sounds as well as good shots of her swimming from below and beside. This also brought intensity to the audience as we kept cutting back and forth from outside the pool to inside the pool showing how isolated she is.
Our end title sequence was created right at the end of editing by using after effects, we wanted to keep it simple still and match the other titles in the opening credit scene. By using after effects we were able to create a very slight wave effect that is being mirrored by the main title, showing a water effect.
when we first put the underwater shots into our editing we tried to put it in the right moments of tension to show how alone she is and also to give the audience a different angle of watching her. This would appeal to a young male audience.
We used a tracking shot to show someone entering the room but with out giving away too much so we focused on the feet to keep the audience guessing until the very end this will make the audience want to stay until the end as they want to find out who has been killing all these young people and why.
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